Then, Muslims should feel hayâ (bashful) towards Allâhu ta’âlâ. Hayâ is from îmân. The bashfulness peculiar to a Muslim is indispensably necessary. It is a must to abhor disbelievers and disbelief and everything outside of Islam and to believe that they are wrong, no matter what theory or ideology they are. Allâhu ta’âlâ has commanded us to take jizya from disbelievers; that is, they must pay taxes. The purpose of this is to humble them. This type of insulting is so effective that they cannot wear valuable suits, nor can they adorn themselves out of the fear of having to pay more jizya. They lead a despicable and miserable life. The purpose of jizya is to abhor and disgrace disbelievers. The jizya shows the glory and honor of Islam. If a dhimmî converts to Islam, he will no longer have to pay jizya...