The Youth...

The Youth...

War isn’t just happening in the warzone, it is also happening on the internet.



I just want to get something out of my chest. The sadness, the disappointment and the “anger” that I feel inside. You may say “Well we all feel that way every day, life ain’t easy.” but this has nothing to do with my life, it is about what I see, what I witness these days.

I’m seeing innocent people dying every day all over the world but especially in the Middle East. I’m guessing when I said “Middle East” the first image that came to your mind was the war in Gaza, the genocide that Israel is doing to Palestinians, and the first word that came to your mind was “Muslim”. War is destructive and we all know that. But what do we do about it? I get that, we ain’t politicians or soldiers, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you must fight, I’m just saying, do something about it! take an action other than sitting there and scrolling down on your Instagram or X. If you and I don’t talk about it then how are we going to help those poor innocent people that are being murdered and genocide? War isn’t just happening in the warzone, it is also happening on the internet.

It is killing me inside to see people who are seeing this genocide and won’t take action. Especially the youth. The youth are smarter than most of us and capable of, they are our future. But they are too busy with “other” things. Things like the fake side of the internet, video games, and lgbtq. Are these things more important than innocent people dying? They are being misled by fake influencers on the internet, believing the things that they shouldn’t and wouldn’t if they thought about it. Those people sell dreams too easily and are tempting. Games are taking them away from real life and locking them in a room, a room of isolation. Do not get me wrong, games are not all bad, they can take your stress away and can be fun to spend time with your friends, but there is always a but. You must have a limit, you should not let the screen take you over and control you. Lgbtq is confusing their minds with lies and again misleading. Those people tell their kids they can’t drive a car until 18 but can change their gender at 10. Those people are mentally sick and dangerous, they live in a fairy tale which isn't a happy place, it is a destructive place and will ruin your life just like it has ruined millions. The youth are smart but can be misled easily.

I want you to think about what’s happening all over the world. Just think about it. All the chaos going on, countries declaring war on each other and committing war crimes and genocides. Countries that are being led by dictators who corrupt their countries to make themselves rich. There are two paths you can take, the first path is to stay away from it, keep doing what you do, and go back to your comfort zone or cave. The second path is, take action, try to help people, and have a purpose. Make yourself known, speak! Communicate with people who need help, when you help someone and get their prayers and good willings, you will have a clear vision of the world and you will feel better, better than you ever have been.

This doesn’t just have to be about war, we have lots of problems that we made. We make problems and drag ourselves into chaos. For example the lgbtq, you can take action about that. You can help people whose life is ruined by it. Or you can just say your thoughts about it, on the internet. Do not be scared to speak what you think is right or wrong. As long as your intentions are pure, don’t be scared to talk and take a stand. “Cowards die every day, braves die one day.”.

I want you to take action, you don’t have to go out there and protest but do something that you are capable of. Like, if you use social media, it doesn't matter how many followers you have, just post something about the innocent Muslims and people that are being murdered all over the world, in East Turkestan, in Myanmar especially in Gaza. Don’t let social media take over your mind. Social media is like a room surrounded by mirrors, you see hundreds, thousands of people but actually those are just reflections of one person. Please don’t waste your potential on empty things. Take a stand, be you! help!. Trust me I know the smallest voices can make it major! As long as humanity exists, there will always be war and innocent people will die and suffer. Because war, war never changes…


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